Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Hi Friends! Okay. So teachers have officially taken over periscope, right?!? I do have an account, however, I have yet to do my first post! I promise it is coming though! STAY TUNED! Let me just share with you 3 reasons I love Periscope in no particular order!

1.) I get to match faces and voices to blogs! In Vegas, I didn't recognize as many faces as I could have if Periscope were more popular before then!

2.) It's very personal! I love getting to see others' houses, hometowns, closets, and so much more! I feel like it makes us so much closer as teachers and bloggers!

3.) CONTENT! I can seriously say that I have learned a few things since I have been watching others! I am such a kinesthetic/visual learners. I love that you can periscope and then blog about it! Let's be honest. I don't always follow written directions as well as I should. With Periscope, I can totally see what I needed to learn in half the time!

SOOOOOOO. If you don't have periscope, you totally should! And if you do have periscope, you should totally show me some love!

Talk to you soon!

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